Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Discussion question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11

Discussion question - Essay Example If the premise is that what is natural and what is according to human nature is morally acceptable, then euthanasia is morally wrong (â€Å"Euthanasia†). Therefore, based on such principles laid out by Gay-Williams, Lewis made a morally wrong decision in giving lethal doses of drugs to AIDS patients. Regardless of what they wanted, he should have obeyed their natural human tendency to live. Personally, my stereotype of a gay man refers to either an effeminate man or a drag queen full of make-up. Moreover, for me, lesbians are those strong women wearing leather jackets and punch men in their stomachs. The bisexuals are hard to define but perhaps they look more gay than bisexual. These stereotypes are based on fact as we all know that drag queens, effeminate men and violent lesbians exist. Moreover, such stereotypes make me want to avoid such people not necessarily because of discrimination but because I personally believe that most of them would not act normally in public, and this would make me or others feel very uncomfortable. Such discomfort would be enough to make me avoid them even if I personally do not discriminate against their sexual orientation. The point is that if they only behave like normal people and not attract too much attention, then perhaps I or society itself would be able to understand them more. Nevertheless, since they are also human beings, it i s not morally justifiable to limit their

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Statistical indicators of DSL Subscribers Essay Example for Free

The Statistical indicators of DSL Subscribers Essay The repeating sentences: 2nd repeat: United States and Japan are losing export market shares and new actors are emerging such as Hungary, Finland and Czech Republic. Page 3. Change to Due to the fact that United States and Japan are losing a number of their export market shares, their Balassa index has subsequently decreased. In addition to this, Hungary, Finland, and Czech Republic, as new actors, has much potential with regard to their Balassa index. The RCA index presents information about a country’s comparative advantage in ICT exports of goods and table below makes obvious each country’s gain or lost comparative advantage in ICT export through changes of RCA. RCA equivalent 1 indicates an identical export structure; RCA above 1 indicates relative specialization, while RCA below 1 means a countrys de-specialization. Page 4: kindly delete this paragraph because the term â€Å"RCA† has already been explained and there is no need to introduce this again. Price is consistently a very important issue. Nowadays the supply side hat vast influence of price and it is one of the largest barriers to purchase of broadband service. The Statistical Indicators: In this section, descriptive statistics will be used to describe the characteristics of the data set regarding the DSL subscribers. Different statistical measures will be used and will be introduced in the following sections. Measures of Central Tendency: The value for the mean of the data set is equal to 3251010.03. This means that on the average, there are about 3251010.03 DSL subscribers in the OECD countries. The Median of DSL Subscribers is equal to 1136709.50. This is the middle of the data set which means that half of the OECD countries have DSL subscribers above 1136709.50 and the other half has less than 1136709.50 DSL subscribers. The computed value for the Mode of DSL Subscribers is equal to 60024.00. This means that a number of OECD countries has this much DSL subscribers, more specifically the countries of . Measures of Variability: The standard deviation describes the degree of spread in the data set. If the data lies close to the mean, then the standard deviation is small. The standard deviation for the number of DSL Subscribers is 4645295.15. It shows the amount of deviation from the mean (3251010.03). Apparently, the value of the standard deviation is far from the mean and this shows that the data set has a high degree of spread. The largest number of DSL Subscribers is 19031154.00, which is in the United States, and the smallest number of DSL Subscribers is 60024.00, which is in Luxembourg. Computing for the range, which is the difference between the largest and the smallest value, the result is 18971130.00. This also indicates the degree of spread in the data set since the largest value and the smallest value is far from each other as indicated by the big difference in their range. The value for the Skewness of the data set is 2.08. It means that the distribution of the number of DSL Subscribers is referred to an asymmetric tail extending out to the right or skewed to the right. Correlation between the number of DSL Subscribers and the Monthly Charge In order to find the correlation between the Monthly Charge and the number of DSL Subscribers, the Pearson’s correlation is used.   The results show that the Pearson’s coefficient has a value of -0.355 for these two variables. It shows that the relation between Monthly Charge and the number of DSL Subscribers is negative and it implies inverse association. P-value is equal to 0.027. The P-value is smaller than 5%, which means that there is a correlation between the two factors but with the coefficient less than 0.5, the correlation is said to be weak. The graph below shows the negative relation between the number of DSL subscribers and the Monthly charge. It means that countries with lower Monthly charge have more DSL subscribers. The distribution of countries in the graph is expansive and far from the correlation line. It reaffirms the previous conclusion that the correlation is not strong. Correlation between the number of DSL Subscribers and the Speed of Connection The Pearsons correlation is used to find a correlation between the number of DSL Subscribers and the Speed of Connection. The Pearson’s coefficient is equal to 0.5. With the said value, it can be concluded that there is a positive correlation between the variables Speed of connection and the number DSL Subscribers and it implies direct association. The computed P-value is equal 0.002. Because this value is between 0 and 0.5, it means that there is a direct relation between the two factors where countries with higher connection speed have more DSL subscribers. The graph below shows that there is direct relationship between the number of DSL subscribers and the Speed of Connection. It shows that in countries where the Speed of connection is higher, there are more DSL Subscribers. Correlation between the number of DSL Subscribers and the Monthly Charge and Speed of Connection The possible value for Regression’s coefficient is between 0 and 1. If it is 0, then there is no correlation between factors of regression. If it is equal to 1, then the correlation is perfect. Also, the result of the analysis regression’s coefficient near 1 shows strong correlation. The regression coefficient for measuring the correlation between two variables will be computed. These variables are the Monthly Charge and Speed of Connection as the independent variables and the dependent variable which is the DSL subscribers. The result shows that the regression coefficient value is equal to 0.574. It shows that there is a correlation between Monthly Charge and Speed of Connection with the number of DSL subscribers and this relation is . There is another Index that will be used which is the R2. It is between 0% and 100%. It shows the percentage of change in the independent variables (Monthly charge and Speed of Connection) in relation to the change in dependent variable (number of DSL subscribers). It determines the influence that the independent variables (Charge and Speed) have over the change in the number of DSL Subscribers. The R2 for the current variables is 0.330. It means that 33% of change in the number of DSL Subscribers can be attributed to Monthly Charge and Speed of Connection and rest is from other variables. In addition to this, it is necessary to compute for the Beta Index. This Index determines the influence of each of the two independent variables, Monthly Charge and Speed of Connection. The value of Beta for Monthly charge is negative, which is -0.286. The value of Beta for Speed of Connection is 0.457. Upon a comparison of the value of Beta for the two independent variables, it could be said that the influence of Speed on the number of DSL Subscribers is more significant than the influence of Monthly Charge on the number of DSL Subscribers. In addition, the negative Beta Index of Monthly charge on DSL Subscribers means that as the Monthly Charge decreases, the number of DSL Subscribers increases. The graph below shows this regression. Correlation between number of DSL Subscribers and the Monthly Charge in Middle East The rate of Broadband penetration in Iran and Middle East is insignificant. The table below shows the Broadband penetration in Middle East. -Correlation between the number of Broadband Subscribers and ICT Export in Middle East The data on hand shows that the Pearson’s coefficient value of the number of Broadband Subscribers and ICT Export is equal to .939. It shows that the correlation between number of Broadband subscribers and ICT export is very strong. P-value is equal to 0.000, which means that there is a correlation between Broadband subscribers and ICT export. The Regression’s Coefficient is 0.993 which means that the correlation of the two variables is strong since the value of 0.993 is close to 1. In addition to this, the R2 value is equal to 0.98. It means 98% of the change in the number of Broadband Subscribers in Middle East is related to ICT Export. The graph below shows this regression.    The result can be considered for countries with available data. Due to the fact that there are not many countries with Broadband subscribers, the result cannot hold true for all Middle East countries. -Correlation between number of DSL Subscribers and ICT Export in OECD The variables number of DSL Subscribers and ICT Export in OCED countries is also subjected to the computation for Pearson’s correlation. The P-value is equal to 0.153, which is greater than 5%. It means that there is no correlation between DSL subscribers and ICT export in OECD countries. The value for the Regression’s Coefficient is 0.267 which means that there is a correlation but it is not too strong. The R2 value for the variables is equal to 0.072. It means only 3% of the change in the number of Broadband Subscribers in OECD countries is related to ICT Export. It supports the idea that there is no correlation between DSL subscribers and ICT export. The graph below shows this regression. Iran is the second largest oil producer among the Oil Producing and Exporting Countries (OPEC). Furthermore, it has the worlds second largest reserves of natural gas. This chapter analyses the ICT situation in Iran and it will evaluate the Internet and Mobile penetration in the Middle East region. The research tries to identify the obstacles for development of ICT in Iran and to serve as a basis in the proposal of new policies. There are many active companies competing in the DSL arena in Iran. The major companies and their activities are listed below: Almost all of the governments of Middle Eastern countries control the communication and information media services. Internet access is especially subjected to many restrictions. Some of the most important restrictions are (a) Religious restrictions, (b) Political restrictions, (c) Language restrictions, (d) Speed limitations, (e) Cost of service, (f) Technical problems (disruptions in connectivity). The reasons for most of these problems are the incompatible infrastructures, lack of skill for supporting services, scarcity of local websites, insufficiency for applied economy and life. There are some other local obstacles in each country that complicates the infiltration of Internet access. The table below shows the population and internet users. Moreover, the percentage of the total population with internet access will also be shown. Figure below presents the number of internet users. Iran has the most number of internet users and Bahrain and Iraq have the least number of internet users. The comparison between internet penetration in 2000 and 2005 in this region shows that the growth of all countries is notable. The total growth of Internet users in Middle East from 2000 to the latest data available is 491.4%.   Each country showed an increase in their rate of access to Internet by at least 100%. The figure below displays the percentage of population with access to Internet. The internet user share of population in Israel is the highest while the corresponding shares in Iraq and Yemen remained to be very low. As Figure 2 shows, 51% of Israel’s population have access to internet. United Arab Emirate with 36%, Qatar with 27%, Kuwait with 25%, and Bahrain with 21% followed Israel in the list. Other countries do not enjoy the same privileges where only a low percentage of the total population have access to the internet. The share of Internet users in each country to the aggregate sum of Internet users in Middle East is calculated in the table below. Internet penetration and population of each country can influence the share of Internet users to the sum of Internet users in the Middle East. However, the table below demonstrates the level of interest of each country to communicate with other countries in economic and cultural aspects. The results show that in 2005, Iran has almost 39% of Internet user in Middle East. Israel with 19%, Saudi Arabia with 13%, and United Arab Emirates with 7% has more contributions to assemble total Internet users in Middle East. Figure below displays the share of each country in total Internet users of Middle East. The figure below shows correlation between Mobile population coverage and GDP per capita. The Pearsons correlation is used to find a correlation between GDP and Internet user, GDP and Mobile user, GDP and Fixed telephone. The value of Pearson’s coefficients and the value of P-values show no relationship between GDP and three factors. The GDP does not have any influence in the penetration of Internet, Mobile, and Fixed telephone in the Middle East. The graph below shows a negative relation between the number of DSL subscribers and Monthly charge. It means that countries with lower Monthly charge have more DSL subscribers. The distribution of countries in the graph is very wide and far from the correlation line, which means that correlation is weak.   The Pearsons correlation is used to find a correlation between the variables Population and Internet Users. The Pearson’s coefficient is equal 0.784. It shows that the relationship between Population and Internet users is positive and it implies direct association. P-value is equal to 0.001 and the value is between 0 and 0.5. It means there is a direct relation between two factors. The graph below shows that there is a direct relationship between Population and Internet users. It shows that countries with more population tend to have more Internet users. The Graph below shows this regression. The Regression’s Coefficient is 0.784 and R2 is equal 0.614. It means 61% of the change in the number of Internet Users in Middle East countries is related to population. The graph below shows the relation between all variables. Relationship of each variable in the distribution’s Matrix is determined with other variables in Matrix through the row and column.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

licensed to kill :: essays research papers

Licensed to Kill   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Is there a difference between murder and justifiable murder? By definition, a murder is the unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice. In contrast, the definition of a justifiable murder is a non-criminal homicide, usually committed in self-defense of another. The real question is, is there really a difference between justifiable murder and murder.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When someone is killed, they are either killed from an accident, natural causes, or an intentional killing. So where does a justifiable murder fit in? In a case where someone is being attacked and forced to use a lethal method to subdue an attacker, such as rape, robbery, or simply, life threatening physical abuse, it could be argued that murder was only used in self defense as a last resort. In this sort of case, for it to be completely justifiable, killing an attacker must only be done if other alternatives had failed. Simply killing someone and saying that they â€Å"could have† hurt them is not justifiable. When there are other methods to subdue an attacker are available in a certain situation, is murder necessarily justifiable simply because it was the easiest way to solve a conflict. For example, if a person is acting hostile towards a police officer, and the police officer resorts to shooting and killing a person, is that justified? In today’s society, there are numerous lesser-lethal alternatives to a pistol. For example, there are paralyzing tazers, gasses, and even rubber or beanbag ammunition for pistols and shotguns. When all of these alternatives are available, how could the use of a firearm be at all necessary? In conclusion, the term justifiable murder has been used so often in cases where it should have been considered a murder. licensed to kill :: essays research papers Licensed to Kill   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Is there a difference between murder and justifiable murder? By definition, a murder is the unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice. In contrast, the definition of a justifiable murder is a non-criminal homicide, usually committed in self-defense of another. The real question is, is there really a difference between justifiable murder and murder.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When someone is killed, they are either killed from an accident, natural causes, or an intentional killing. So where does a justifiable murder fit in? In a case where someone is being attacked and forced to use a lethal method to subdue an attacker, such as rape, robbery, or simply, life threatening physical abuse, it could be argued that murder was only used in self defense as a last resort. In this sort of case, for it to be completely justifiable, killing an attacker must only be done if other alternatives had failed. Simply killing someone and saying that they â€Å"could have† hurt them is not justifiable. When there are other methods to subdue an attacker are available in a certain situation, is murder necessarily justifiable simply because it was the easiest way to solve a conflict. For example, if a person is acting hostile towards a police officer, and the police officer resorts to shooting and killing a person, is that justified? In today’s society, there are numerous lesser-lethal alternatives to a pistol. For example, there are paralyzing tazers, gasses, and even rubber or beanbag ammunition for pistols and shotguns. When all of these alternatives are available, how could the use of a firearm be at all necessary? In conclusion, the term justifiable murder has been used so often in cases where it should have been considered a murder.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ann Frank :: essays research papers

Ann Frank was a bright happy 13-year-old Jewish girl. She was born in Germany. Ann lived with her Father, Mother and Sister. Her father owned his own business. He sold herbs and spices until 1940, when Hitler came into power. Ann’s father Mr. Frank was a kind man. He did not want to see his family go to a prison camp or be murdered because they were Jewish. Mr. Frank decided to take his family into hiding. He had a friend named Mipe, who hid his family in the annex of the building she had a business in. Mr. Frank also invited another Family the Van Dann’s to go into hiding with them. The Van Dann’s had one son. His name was Peter.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ann Frank was an average looking girl. Her hair was short and dark. She loved to play outside, ride her bike. She had friends at school. Ann was sometimes annoying to her family because she was so full of energy. She talked a lot and always stated her opioion about things even when her opinion was not asked for. Sometimes Ann would hurt her mothers feelings because she did not listen. Ann said she didn’t mean to be bad or hurt her mother. She felt like the good Ann was inside her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ann was compassionate she cared about other people’s feelings. She wanted to make Hanukkah special during their time in the annex. Ann had no money so she had to use her imagination to come up with special gifts. She thought about each person individually and made a personal gift for each one in her family and the Van Dann’s family. They were all very surprised and treasured the gifts because they realized it came for Ann’s heart.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ann Frank was a special person. She made the best out of a bad situation. She was trapped in the annex of a building for a very long time. She couldn’t do the simple everyday things, like go for a walk, listen to the radio, smell the air outside or even go to the bathroom when she needed to. She made life very interesting for the people in the annex with her. Weather they realized it not she brighten their days and made things exciting with her outgoing personality. The fact that she wrote in her diary each day shows that she had a caring soul and she wanted to remember and share her experiences.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reason And Experience Essay

Many rationalist philosophers argue that we have at least some innate knowledge of concepts such as God, Maths and causation. However, an empiricist would disagree, arguing that we have no knowledge at birth, our minds are tabula rasa and all our concepts are essentially derived from sense experience. Most rationalists subscribe to the view that maths is innate; Plato argues this using the concept of equality and geometry. He presents us with the scenario of judging whether two sticks are equal in size, we use equality, a concept which we haven’t experienced as nothing in the world is exactly equal, rather â€Å"almost equal†, although this concept still contains equal – thus, he argues that equality is an innate concept. He presents another example of when Socrates discussed geometry with a slave child. Socrates presented the child with a question on geometry which he happened to answer correctly, all without any prior knowledge or experience of geometry. Plato suggests that Socrates triggered innate knowledge within the child. An empiricist would respond to the concept of equality by stating that â€Å"almost equal† does not contain the concept equal, rather â€Å"almost equal† is itself a simple concept derived from sense experience upon comparing objects. The sticks would always differ in length by some amount; therefore we can form the concept of equal by abstracting two sticks which differ by no length. In regards to the slave boy argument, Socrates enquires the boy through leading questions, a method where he can learn the rules and relationships and apply it to the original question. In Descartes’ â€Å"Trademark argument†, he claims that we have an innate idea of God. He claims that we are imperfect and finite minds, and God is something which we could not have come up with as he is both infinite and perfect. We also haven’t experienced anything infinite or perfect in the physical world, thus Descartes concludes that our concept of God is innate. Hume objects to this argument, stating that we formed the idea of God through abstraction and negation, since we are familiar of things which are finite and imperfect, we can then imagine the opposite, something which is infinite and perfect. Descartes follows up to this, saying that the initial concept of perfection is necessary to make comparisons in order to recognise imperfection. Upon closer inspection, we can see that there is an inconsistency in Descartes’ argument, he claims we have a clear and distinct idea that God is perfect and infinite, yet he claims as finite minds we cannot form a clear idea of God’s infinity. Descartes expects us to acknowledge that the idea of God is positive – meaning the concept of infinity and perfection is not formed through opposite their opposite meanings, yet we only have a negative idea of God as we are finite, we therefore must be the cause of the idea. Another prominent cause of division between rationalists and empiricists is the concept of causation. Rationalists argue that causation cannot be experienced through sense impressions; to illustrate this, an example of one ball striking a second ball is often used. The second ball appears to have moved off, initially it may seem as though it was the cause of the first ball, but in fact the movement of all the balls were controlled by magnets. Rationalists would conclude that causation is an innate concept as it cannot be acquired through sense experience, as shown in the example it seemed as though the first ball was the cause of the second ball moving off even though this isn’t the case. Hume tackles causation by arguing that patterns which repeat themselves are regarded as causation. To illustrate this, if we heard thunder immediately before clapping our hands, we would think nothing of it. If the same thing happened a minute later, we would still regard it as coincidence. Although if this continued to happen for a fourth, fifth or sixth time, we would begin to think that clapping our hands was the cause – yet the only difference between the first and the sixth time was the repetition. Hume concludes that that the feeling of causation is simply the result of repetition and is simply nothing more than a habit. Taking all this into account, it appears that the many ideas which rationalists claim are innate actually originate from sense experience, just like all other ideas. Having even some innate ideas is not possible, as John Locke stated, at birth are minds our tabula rasa, therefore there are no innate ideas in the human mind. If there were, it would mean there are propositions which everyone would assent to, including children and â€Å"idiots† – but there clearly aren’t.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Greek and Roman theatre Essay Example

Greek and Roman theatre Essay Example Greek and Roman theatre Essay Greek and Roman theatre Essay Essay Topic: History Greek Dark ages from 11th 9th century BC. Mycenaean civilisation built during these times. That collapsed and Greek civilisation started. Then more dark ages. Homers Iliad and Odyssey were born out of this time. Roman Decline of Greek government coincided with the rise of the roman republic and subsequent empire. Had emperors and senators but the government didnt pay a huge part in the theatre. Emperors used the amphitheatres more and put on gladiator shows, etc rather than plays. : Why do I personally think this type of theatre emerged according to historical epoch? Greek Worshipped the god Dionysus (Zeus son). They honoured him by holding a festival every winter to bring dead world back to life. Also one in spring to celebrate renewal of life. Very ritualistic with orgiastic dancing by women. This festival started in Attica, north Greece. It was introduced to Athens in 6th century BC by Pesistratus. Theatre was born. Four separate festivals of Dionysus but it was at the city of Dionysia where poet playwrights competed for top prizes. Roman Romans borrowed extensively from Greek theatre and then modified it. They too worshipped gods in festivals Dionysus was not one of their gods but perhaps they used the idea to worship their own gods. Also many Romans had nothing to do and so theatre was needed for entertainment. Treatment of character, plot and language. Greek Chorus and their leader, lines chanted rather than spoken. Used masks and high-soled boots to add height to the actors. Limited movements. Comedies put on at winter festival of god Dionysus and grew more popular during the decline of the Greek government. Tragedies put on at main spring festival. Theatre also used as a place for political debate. Roman Comedies and tragedies, pantomime, myths. Comedies actors wore masks for this. They were usually short, one-act plays put on at the end of longer performances. They were vulgar farces about Italian country life, packed with rude jokes and slapstick. They used a few familiar characters, i.e. Pappus old fool. Manducus greedy clown. Instantly recognised by the mask worn. Pantomime mix of opera and ballet. Plot usually serious taken from Greek myths. Parts of different characters played by one actor with different masks, he was called a Pantomimus, while the chorus sang the lyrics. Actors were usually Greek slaves or freedmen. Costume and staging. Greek Tragic costume tight-sleeved, belted tunic (chitin) a variety of cloaks over tunic and boots. Helmet-like mask with attached wig in which forehead was elevated as a sign of social status. Greek theatres had a circular orchestra. It was built into a hill, not free standing. Also had rooms behind orchestra called the Skene had doors from which actors could go off and come on stage from. Murders usually took place behind closed doors. Tiered seating. A few set pieces of scenery i.e. rocks and tombs. Scenes sometimes painted onto the Skene. Roman Wore masks to show off different characters. Masks made of linen covered wit plaster and painted. Theatre itself semi-circular stage called the orchestra, tiered seating. Series of rooms behind orchestra storage of scenery and props. Actors dressing rooms as well. It was a freestanding building (see pic) Both made use of special effects and machines. Such as a wagon (eccylema) on which bloody tableaux were displayed and a crane on which actors playing gods could be flown in. E.g. in roman theatre, the Greek myth of Daedalus and Icarus was put on in theatre. A slave would be suspended above the orchestra by crane, dropped and killed to show Icarus wings falling apart and him falling into the sea. Conventions that emerged. Roman and Greek Since roman theatre was descended from Greek, conventions are very similar. Both have a chorus, which played music to go with the play. Greek Usually more than one actor all with slightly varied costumes Roman Especially in pantomime one actor that changed masks for different characters. Usually only a couple of actors in different masks in comedies and tragedies. What was theatres social and political function at the time? Greek Entertainment. To inform about history. Put on at festivals. Roman Put on at festivals for entertainment. It was a public occasion and was free. All expenses paid for by a wealthy citizen who provided everything i.e. actors, producer, scenery and costumes. Volunteered to do it not only to benefit fellow citizens but also to gain popularity, which would be useful in local political elections.

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Midsummer Nights Dream Research Paper Example

A Midsummer Nights Dream Research Paper Example A Midsummer Nights Dream Paper A Midsummer Nights Dream Paper Essay Topic: Literature This passage from A Midsummer Nights Dream occurs near the resolution of the play, when unions between lovers are being strengthened and the different worlds of the play are in the process of becoming reconciled. To facilitate the typical harmonious denouement of a Shakespearian comedy, the diverse subplots and imaginative worlds that exist within the drama must come together, resulting in a comedic closure in which harmony reigns. The appearance of two different sets of characters that belong to the development of two different subplots in this extract illustrates Shakespeares wider practice in the comedy: that of orchestrating numerous subplots, which all terminate at the conclusion of the play with marriage, celebration and harmony. The plot strands featured in this passage the love battles between Lysander and Hermia, and Demetrius and Helena; and the preparations by the group of mechanicals, led by Nick Bottom, to stage a play, constitute only two of the four subplots to be found in A Midsummer Nights Dream. The story that provides the context and impetus for much of the action in the play is the impending marriage of Theseus of Athens to Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, and later its celebration. Theseus and his court in ancient Greece provide the frame for the play, and Theseus stands in judgement of the affairs of the exponents of the courtly world. It is he who establishes the tone of the play at the outset: Now, fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour / Draws on apace. Four happy days bring in / Another moon (I. i. -3), and also he who summarises the trend for order at the end: Lovers, to bed; tis almost fairy time / A fortnight hold we this solemnity / In nightly revels and new jollity (V. i. 357-363). A fourth subplot centres on the fairy kingdom, and particularly the quarrel between Oberon and Titania. The magical aspects involved in the plots of the aristocrats and the mechanicals derive from this source, and the mythical and altogether unreal dimension of this realm allows Shakespeare to weave together different plots into a coherent whole without having to give it the semblance of reality. It is the sudden absence of this illusory world in the lives of both the aristocrats and of Bottom that provides the subject for the passage in the fourth act, as both groups ponder whether it has all been a dream: It seems to me / That yet we sleep, we dream. (IV. i. 192-3) A Midsummer Nights Dream weaves together three diverse worlds to create one consistent but essentially timeless universe. The two young sets of lovers are representative of the aristocratic court of ancient Athens, and as such are subject to the rules and conventions by which the court is governed. The rustic population of the Elizabethan English countryside is presented through the depiction of the mechanicals, of which Bottom is the most prominent character. These two diverse groups, with lifestyles, language and habits that differ wildly, find themselves subject to the same puissant force of fairyland and its representatives. This is a realm rooted in neither ancient Greece nor the Elizabethan era; it transcends the bounds of time. Oberon and Titania, who preside over this unworldly realm, are the parents and original of the spring, the summer, / The childing autumn, angry winter,(act II, scene I, lines 111-2); they also exercise complete control over the human mortals (II. i. 101). Thus two polarised social classes are united in this passage, as in the whole of A Midsummer Nights Dream, by the operations of the enchanted fairyland and its inhabitants. The passage Shakespeares comedy juxtaposes these representatives of such diverse social classes. The young aristocrats belong to a socially produced world of the court, over which Theseus presides as the paragon of order. In the lines preceding the selected passage, Theseus not only seeks to impose order, in the form of the social institution of marriage, upon the natural chaos of love outside the constraints of the court: For in the temple by and by with us / These couples shall eternally be knit (IV. i. 79-180); but he also dismisses the unworldly fairy kingdom in favour of the safe, explicable domain of the court: he did bid us follow to the temple. (IV. i. 195). Bottom, however, is subject to no such codes of conduct he is a rustic character who follows only his basic instincts. He is a weaver and a member of a class of tradesmen and manual labourers Hard-handed men that work in Athens here, / Which never laboured in their minds (V. I. 72), and as his name suggests, he occupie s a low social status. The juxtaposing of the different groups of characters in the passage from A Midsummer Nights Dream accentuates the chasm between the cultures of different social groups, and heightens the comedy of Bottoms responses when contrasted with the sophisticated language of the aristocrats to the same mystical circumstances. As would be expected, the status of each character in society determines his mode of speech. Bottom, as a low-status character, speaks in prose, a form usually reserved by the playwright for those of a low social standing. Throughout A Midsummer Nights Dream, Bottom, along with his fellow mechanicals, has been established as a clown-like figure of fun. The incident with the ass head, for example, indicates that Bottom is a comically absurd character, with little intellect: If I had enough wit to get out of this wood, I have enough to serve mine own turn, (III. i. 141-3). His frequent use of nonsensical banter: I pray you commend me to Mistress Squash, your mother, and to Master Peascod, your father (III. i. 178-9), ensures that he is portrayed as something of an idiot. It therefore comes as no surprise to the audience that his discourse, in which he seeks to make sense of the magical experience from which he has supposedly awoken, is muddled, confused and unfocused. The irrelevant references to the pageant due to be staged by the mechanicals: When my cue comes, call me, and I will answer. My next is most fair Pyramus. (IV. i) contrast to the composed, albeit slightly confused, responses of the young lovers, and compound Bottoms status as an unintelligent fool. Because he is uneducated Bottom tries, but fails, to articulate his feelings: Methought I was there is no man can tell what. Methought I was, and methought I had but man is but a patched fool if he will offer to say what methought I had. (IV. i. ). The only means by which he can gain full expression is through the inept and unprofessional staging of the labourers play (incidentally, a play that sits in sharp contrast to the well-written performance that the audience are now watching): I will get Peter Quince to write a ballad of this dream. It shall be called Bottoms Dream, because it hath no bottom, and I will sing it in the latter end of a play, before the Duke. (IV. i. ). In contrast, the verse of the young lovers is eloquent and flowing, with an imaginative expression which is entirely fitting for their social status. Demetrius words are poetic and laden with rich imagery: Like far off mountains turned into clouds (IV. i. 186-7), and the lines spoken by Helena, although referring to her emotional situation, allude to her material circumstances: I have found Demetrius like a jewel, / Mine own and not mine own. (IV. i. 191-1). Yet because the characters who speak these lines are less well-developed than Bottom, who is the most substantial persona in the play, the audience engages less with them than with Bottoms colloquial, endearing and accessible modes of expression. Lysander and Demetrius are little more than types with little complex characterisation; Helena and Hermia are more substantial characters, and Hermia in particular is possessed of some drive and energy: How low am I, thou painted maypole? Speak, How low am I? I am not yet so low But that my nails can reach unto thine eyes. III. ii. 297-9); but it is Bottom who wins the audiences favour because he is such a well-rounded character, and not limited to a mere embodiment of a particular theory or moral standpoint as Theseus is. He is a tangible person, made up of base and earthly instincts possessed by all mankind, and has the humour, albeit often unintended, to make the audience identify with him. Furthermore, he is privileged by his unique insight into the fairytale world inhabited by Titania and her fairies the only human in the play to be granted such an insight. The contrasts between these species of character their difference in language, the varying depths of characterisation and the general class divide make for a passage which is arresting in its dramatic presentation. When the fairy realm which has sustained both groups of characters for several acts is suddenly withdrawn, those who were once in its power are left confused and unsettled. Their experiences of the unworldly are compared to, indeed presumed to be, a dream: I have had a most rare vision. I have had a dream past the wit of man to say what dream it was. (IV. i. ). Shakespeare, through the enunciation of his characters, draws a subtle parallel between the evanescence of dreams, and that of love, which is a prominent theme of A Midsummer Nights Dream. The aristocrats voice an awareness of the inconstancy of love it is frail, temperamental and fickle: I wot not by what power- But by some power it is my love to Hermia, Melted as the snow, (MND, VI. i. 163-5). The already unst able force of love is even more vulnerable to change in the fairy kingdom, where there are few guides to behaviour. Away from the court, relationships are subject to mood or fancy rather than to any notions of proper behaviour: Tarry, rash wanton (II. i. 63), and so the fairy realm is not conducive to the settled human institution of marriage. Thus Theseus orders the removal of the couples to Athens, where order can once again reign over the disordered experience of love. The advantages of residing in the social world are made patent by setting exponents of this social world within an undomesticated and irresponsible fairy realm. In the comedic tradition, the stability that social institutions deliver is glorified. At the end of A Midsummer Nights Dream, all parties are seen to benefit from the institution of marriage; even the fairy king and queen, whose quarrel has lasted the entire length of the play, are reconciled at the end in a heterosexual harmony: Now thou and I are new in amity, (IV. I. 86). The conclusion of the play asserts mans concord with the world, and the neat union of different worlds: While these visions did appear; And this weak and idle theme, No more yielding but a dream A Midsummer Nights Dream challenges the audiences sense of imagination and perception by placing the intellectual and worldly realism of the court next to the mystical qualities of a fairy tale. It raises and explores the issues of love, reason, class, the place of art and the wisdom of social institutions, but ultimately Shakespeare leaves it to the audience to form their own judgements on these matters. The play carries a deep significance to man, as we are made to examine our own notions of truth and reality, notions that underpin all human interaction: The poets eye, in a fine frenzy rolling, Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven, And as imagination bodies forth The forms of things unknown, the poets pen Turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing A local habitation and a name. (V. i. 12-17).

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Review These Study Questions for A Rose for Emily

Review These Study Questions for 'A Rose for Emily' A Rose for Emily is a favorite American short story by William Faulkner.   Summary The narrator of this story represents several generations of men and women from the town.  The story begins at the huge funeral for Miss Emily Grierson. Nobody has been to her house in 10 years, except for her servant. The town had a special relationship with Miss Emily ever since it decided to stop billing her for taxes in 1894. But, the newer generation wasnt happy with this arrangement, and so they paid a visit to Miss Emily and tried to get her to pay the debt. She refused to acknowledge that the old arrangement might not work anymore, and flatly refused to pay.Thirty years before, the tax collecting townspeople had a strange encounter with Miss Emily about a bad smell at her place. This was about two years after her father died, and a short time after her lover disappeared from her life. Anyhow, the stink got stronger and complaints were made, but the authorities didnt want to confront Emily about the problem. So, they sprinkled lime around the house and the smell was eventual ly gone. Everybody felt sorry for Emily when her father died. He left her with the house, but no money. When he died, Emily refused to admit it for three whole days. The town didnt think she was crazy then, but assumed that she just didnt want to let go of her dad. Next, the story doubles back and tells us that not too long after her father died Emily begins dating Homer Barron, who is in town on a sidewalk-building project. The town heavily disapproves of the affair and brings Emilys cousins to town to stop the relationship. One day, Emily is seen buying arsenic at the drugstore, and the town thinks that Homer is giving her the shaft, and that she plans to kill herself.   When she buys a bunch of mens items, they think that she and Homer are going to get married. Homer leaves town, then the cousins leave town, and then Homer comes back. He is last seen entering Miss Emilys house. Emily herself rarely leaves the home after that, except for a period of half a dozen years when she gives painting lessons.  Her hair turns gray, she gains weight, and she eventually dies in a downstairs bedroom. The story cycles back to where it began, at her funeral. Tobe, miss Emilys servant, lets in the town women and then leaves by the backdoor forever. After the funeral, and after Emily is buried, the townspeople go upstairs to break into the room that they know has been closed for 40 years.Inside, they find the corpse of Homer Barron, rotting in the bed. On the dust of the pillow next to Homer they find an indentation of a head, and there, in the indentation, a long, gray hair. Study Guide Questions Here are a few questions for study and discussion. What is important about the title of the short story, A Rose for Emily? What are the multiple meanings for the rose?What are the conflicts in A Rose for Emily? What types of conflict (physical, moral, intellectual, or emotional) do you see in this story?How does William Faulkner reveal character in A Rose for Emily?What are some themes in the story? How do they relate to the plot and characters?What are some symbols in A Rose for Emily? How do they relate to the plot and characters?Do you find the characters likable? Would you want to meet the characters?What is significant about the gray hair at the end of the short story?What is the central/primary purpose of the story? Is the purpose important or meaningful?How essential is the setting to the story? Could the story have taken place anywhere else?What is the role of women in the text? What about single/independent women? What about the role of wife and mother?Would you recommend this story to a friend?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Constructive Criticism vs Disciplinary Actions on a Nursing Unit Essay

Constructive Criticism vs Disciplinary Actions on a Nursing Unit - Essay Example On the other hand, disciplinary actions are means of dealing with unfavorable job-related behavior, especially those which do not meet with work and performance standards (US Legal, 2012). The primary purpose of these actions is to support the employee in understanding that performance issues for improvement exist. It is basically a way of imposing discipline for the employees (Hessler and Humphreys, 2008). While constructive criticisms provide a means for the employee to re-evaluate his actions and further improve on these, disciplinary actions are imposed punishment for failing to live up to the standards of the practice (Kennedy, 2006). Constructive criticism is more palatable for employees who can choose to consider the criticism as a means of improving their practice; however disciplinary actions are mostly met with disfavor due to its final and imposing nature on the work of employees (Hendren, 2011). B. What are likely outcomes to delivered action? 1. In order to deliver the n ecessary actions while still retaining employee productivity, it is important to first identify the unacceptable action, specifically indicating what the staff member is doing or is failing to do well (Hendren, 2011). The focus in effect is in the action, not the behavior or his personality. Specifying what the employee did wrong is also an essential part of achieving the best outcomes in establishing constructive criticism (Nursing Times, 2007). It is also important to explain the outcome, which behavior is not acceptable and how the action negatively impacts on productivity and on patient outcomes. Descriptive terms must also be used in order to establish how the behavior is wrong and how such behavior can be changed (Nursing Times, 2007). The expectations must also be indicated and clearly established from the very start. The employee must know what behavior is unacceptable and the various actions which can be applied to improve behavior. 2. Personal feelings must also be set asi de when giving constructive criticism. There are various outcomes to delivered action and for employees, their actions may produce unfavorable or favorable outcomes (Nursing Times, 2007). In giving feedback to employees, personal and subjective opinions have to be set aside (Clynes and Raftery, 2008). Saying to the employee that they are â€Å"useless† is an unnecessary comment and achieves nothing except feelings of discontent in the employee. It degrades the employee and makes his performance even worse (Nursing Times, 2007). Instead, the focus of the criticism must be on the activity, what was not done, what was done well, and what the criticism would be expected to achieve. The criticism must also be clear and concise, as well as professional, indicating positive feedback with information on how to improve actions and performance (Hendren, 2011). Asking the employee how he feels about his performance is a means of achieving improved outcomes and constructive benefits for the overall nursing profession. The manner of giving the feedback must focus on the problem, not the individual (Hendren, 2011). It must be direct and not contain any mixed and confusing elements. It must also be given in person and in private, preventing any embarrassment for individuals involved. The employee should also be involved in the discussion, allowing him to express his issues with his work, and inquiring about his coping skills and difficulties (Nursing Times,

Friday, October 18, 2019

The contribution of customer satisfaction of after sale service Dissertation

The contribution of customer satisfaction of after sale service - Dissertation Example Volkswagen is a German automobile manufacturing company and is one of the largest car manufacturing companies in the world. The stated vision of Audi is â€Å"Audi – the number one premium brand†. As per a strategy document released by Audi named Strategy 2020, Audi aims to achieve the leadership position in premium segment, and wants to consolidate its leadership position in that segment (Audi USA, 2009, p.27). After sales service is one of the most important factors influencing brand loyalty. According to a survey conducted by Bain and Co, â€Å"one of the most powerful techniques for converting buyers into die-hard fans is providing exceptional after-sales service† (Flees & Senturia, 2008). This report will aim to evaluate the existing customer satisfaction level of Audi customers, identify how critical is after sale service towards overall satisfaction, and identify possible areas in after sale service where there is a scope of improvement. These will be eval uated by analysing data collected by administering a questionnaire to the customers who come to the Audi dealer for after sale service. This questionnaire will capture both qualitative and quantitative data. The data collection process will also include interviewing customer facing staff in the dealership and the service manager of the dealer shop. I will be able to have access to Audi Company through my friend who holds a position as a service manager. I will be able to provide a confirmation letter from the company with their approval, in order to carry out the project research proposal. 2. Research questions Explanatory Objectives RQ1: Investigate levels of customer satisfaction with Audi? (This objective will assess and quantify the level of satisfaction that an Audi customer has.) RQ2: Which specific factors in the provision of after sales service affect customer satisfaction? Explanatory Objectives RQ3: identify main reasons for low customer satisfaction of after sales service RQ4: identify the factors that influence customer service from after sales service Developmental Objectives RQ5: evaluate methods that can potentially improve customer satisfaction 3. Research Ethics â€Å"Ethical issues are present in any kind of research. The research process creates tension between the aims of research to make generalizations for the good of others, and the rights of participants to maintain privacy† (Orb, Eisenhauer & Wynaden, 2001, p.1). The entire data collection process will be voluntary in nature where all respondents, including customers, dealer staff and the service manager, will share their responses after explicitly agreeing to participate in the survey. Before the survey is conducted, each respondent will be informed about the nature and goal of the survey. Each respondent will be informed about their nature of involvement in the survey process. Additionally, each respondent will have the right not to participate further at any point of time. In dividual responses as well as the final results of the survey will kept strictly confidential, and all response forms as well as stored data will be destroyed once the analysis is completed to ensure complete privacy of participants. 4. Literature Review RQ1: Investigate levels of customer satisfaction with Audi? There are a multitude of factors that influence the levels of customer satisfaction for a premium, life style brand like Audi. Audi, as discussed above, is a premium car brand that sells high value cars. Till the late 1990s after sale service had been viewed by manufacturing

Business Communications Trends Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Communications Trends Paper - Essay Example Visual-aid is just but a form of business communication by a company to the stakeholders. It only presents a type of the numerous approaches to business communication applied recently. This study is going to have a comprehensive look at this issue of trends in business communication. As technology takes steps forward, the business communication factor follows suit. The olden days were signified by people writing letters. Meetings were usually one on one and were mostly concluded with a handshake. Business communication has undergone a series of changes, though. A major illustration of this fact’s support is the electronic tools’ innovation for utilization in the communication of business issues. There are brand new devices and software programs entering the market as days go by. Despite the fact that the changes in business communication may sound a simple occurrence, the implementation of the new systems and also helping employees in their taking up of the new functions is no walk in the park. It involves complexities and huge investments of capital. The devices coming up may include PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants), wikis, as well as teleconference. These are set to upgrade the levels of productivity and communication to clients alike. E-mails have been taken up as one of the major approaches to business communication to clients and workers as well. As many as 84 million of business e-mails are sent per day according to the 2008 estimate by IDC- a consultancy firm for research. Information overload is a major setback brought about by this type of communication, however. Most of the players in the corporate world are continuously assimilating information with regards to clients by sending them to make use of company websites. These websites usually contain the company’s information in one common place. Telecommunicating is also another type of business communication which though

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Progressive Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Progressive Movement - Essay Example A loosely defined movement was formed from the progressive reformers. Progressives were individuals or groups of people who were concerned about the state of society, impacts arising from urbanization and industrialization, poverty, social issues and political corruption (Foner, 2014, p.678). Progressives as businessmen were ambitious to include the laborers and workers for their rights in decision making and economic improvement. Women were part of progressive movement who sought their right of protection of their children from exploitation. Journalists as progressives had exposed the major ills of urban as well as industrial lives with expectations to encourage reforms. Social scientists also took part in progressive era with their beliefs of solving the social problems through the academic research. Middle class individuals were more fearful about the rise of big businesses that could threat their social as well as economic status. Progressivism was defined through currents and tr ends of counterculture, challenges to authorities, cultural liberation and sexual revolution. Other currents and trends include the steps towards the equal rights, civil rights and establishing the women’s organizations.Socialists advocated that economy’s state control and laborers’ voices must be accorded in their decision making. Many civil and political organizations recognized that inequality could threat the democracy, so they considered that political struggle was essential to defend the interests of workers.

The slave trade in Latin America. Profit and human misery Research Paper

The slave trade in Latin America. Profit and human misery - Research Paper Example As early as the 15th century the Spanish were gaining a stranglehold on Mexico and the various tribal lands of Latin America. A series of conquistadors, essentially privateers, more adventurers than soldiers, struck out on their own to secure the spoils and riches of the new lands. Up to the 16th century activities in this part of world were predominantly exploratory treasure hunts. Standing in their way, however, were the multitude of sedentary and fierce nomadic indigenous tribes which had to be overcome if the land was to be subjugated. By 1502 the first shipload of Africans had been landed in Hispanola. By the time of the full conquest of Mexico in the 1520 and Peru in the 1530s, all the elements of the colonial system of Latin America were falling into place. In Mexico, farming and mining were underway. In Brazil, under the Portuguese, the initial period of some coexistence through bartering and trade with the Indians was morphing into formal Spanish and Portuguese royal control .1 Along with it came the beginnings of a plantation economy. On the main land, as in the Caribbean, indigenous resistance and subsequent depopulation was spreading throughout Latin America, and by 1570 war and disease had taken its toll. Traditional sources of free labor diminished, and within thirty years of the Spanish landing tribes had been decimated. Along with depopulation and the emerging economy came the recognition that a large labor force would be needed to work the mines, ranches and sugar plantations cropping up like seedlings throughout Latin America.... rld, the need for slaves expanded, prompting the Portuguese traders to explore new markets for their â€Å"product.† Within thirty years of Columbus’s discovery, the Portuguese, beginning in Brazil, tapped into the growing market and before long were supplying an unending cache of slave workers for a burgeoning sugar industry. Assessing the northeastern coast of Brazil as particularly adopted to sugar growth, they began importing thousands of African slaves to that area, each of which was â€Å"not a mere captive but a commodity†¦ an investment†¦[that]†¦ impelled a vast expansion of the American sugar dominions. 2—an expansion that would eventually evolve as a lucrative commercial enterprise over the next three centuries via numerous other European slave traders. Estimates say that â€Å"By 1700 nearly three-quarters of the population of the British West Indies was African.† 3 Many countries including the French, Dutch and British eventuall y became prominent in the slave trade. The details of the actual practice seem today stunningly inhumane. And least it be forgotten, the truth remains that â€Å"The slave trade [its practices] was so awful in itself that one is apt to forget that it was merely a means to an end.† 4 That end was profit. Life on the Slave Ship Numerous accounts exist of the misery, suffering and dehumanizing environment of the slave ship that defy all modern sense of morality â€Å"as a brutally efficient piece of technology and site of struggle.† 5 All of the Europeans—Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, British, French and Italians--freighted ships laden with barter to trade with Africans for African slaves. To those slave traders 16th through the 18th century, practices that would now be condemned universally as nothing short of â€Å"deliberately concealed

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Progressive Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Progressive Movement - Essay Example A loosely defined movement was formed from the progressive reformers. Progressives were individuals or groups of people who were concerned about the state of society, impacts arising from urbanization and industrialization, poverty, social issues and political corruption (Foner, 2014, p.678). Progressives as businessmen were ambitious to include the laborers and workers for their rights in decision making and economic improvement. Women were part of progressive movement who sought their right of protection of their children from exploitation. Journalists as progressives had exposed the major ills of urban as well as industrial lives with expectations to encourage reforms. Social scientists also took part in progressive era with their beliefs of solving the social problems through the academic research. Middle class individuals were more fearful about the rise of big businesses that could threat their social as well as economic status. Progressivism was defined through currents and tr ends of counterculture, challenges to authorities, cultural liberation and sexual revolution. Other currents and trends include the steps towards the equal rights, civil rights and establishing the women’s organizations.Socialists advocated that economy’s state control and laborers’ voices must be accorded in their decision making. Many civil and political organizations recognized that inequality could threat the democracy, so they considered that political struggle was essential to defend the interests of workers.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Taoism, The Principle of Wu-Wei Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Taoism, The Principle of Wu-Wei - Research Paper Example This paper will shed more light upon Taoism and the principles of Wu-Wei. Confucianism is a term which is very closely related to Taoism, a lot of can be learned about the Chinese people just by knowing more about Taoism and Confucianism. These are terms which reflect the spirit of the Chinese people and what they are made up of. The ancient Chinese society must be given credit for coining the term Taoism, the ideology and the beliefs of the Han nationality is often portrayed when people talk of Taoism. Ancient people in China used to worship spirits and gods and this was how this term originated. â€Å"Daoism encompasses thought and practice that sometimes are viewed as philosophical, as religious, or as a combination of both.   While modern scholars, especially those in the West, have been preoccupied with classifying Daoist material as either â€Å"philosophical† or religious, historically Daoists themselves have been uninterested in such categories and dichotomies.  Ã ¢â‚¬Å"(IEP.UTM) Taoism has raised a debate for the scholars across Europe; they have been completely discombobulated as to whether Taoism falls under religion or whether it falls under philosophy. Some scholars in Europe say that it should be classified under religion while some others say that it should be classified under philosophy so there is no general consensus when it comes to the classification of Taoism and much debate is going on amongst top scholars in Europe. It is very important to know more about the Han dynasty in order to know more about Taoism, no traces of Taoism were found when the Han dynasty ruled China but the beginning of Taoism can be found in important texts like Daodejing and the Zhuangzi. The Chinese people unanimously believe that a teacher by the name Laozi was mainly responsible for writing Daodejing, he was a very dedicated teacher who also opened a school for the Chinese children and single-handedly wrote Daodejing, it was a great achievement but not too many people know of this incredible achievement. People who followed Taoism were called Taoists and they had some similar beliefs, they understood the connection between nature and their bodies and this again was a great achievement. They also knew that God had not made them immortal and they trotted on the difficult path to become immortal. Taoists also believed in experimenting with their bodies, they found new exercises to keep themselves fit; they were also responsible for discovering interesting and new sexual positions. Chemistry was one subject which fascinated the Taoists and quite a few of them tried new experiments to discover something new which would help them but these experiments did not go down too well and many of them lost their lives trying to do too much. There were emperors who were also fascinated with Chemistry and they met with the same fate when they tried doing the same experiments, this clearly goes to show that there were hungry for success and wanted to find new things which would help their fellow human beings. Self-cultivation was a major objective of Taoism, every Taoist wanted to inculcate this quality in him and pass it on to their family members. â€Å"The teachings that were later called Daoism were first known under the name of Huanglao Dao in the 3rd and 2nd cent. BCE. The thought world transmitted in this stream is what Sima Tan meant by Daojia. The Huanglao School was a center of Taoist practitioners in the state of Qi (modern Shandong). Huangdi was the name for the Yellow

Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free

Romeo and Juliet Essay Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story about two children whose families are feuding. It was written in about 1596 when Shakespeare was about 26 years of age. The play is set in Verona, Italy. It was set abroad because Shakespeare didnt want to offend anyone through the script, if they were to relate themselves to someone in it. Shakespeare got his inspiration from many sources. Romeo and Juliet gained its inspiration from an Arthur Brooke poem written in 1562, called The tragical history of Romeous and Juliet. At the time of writing, Shakespeare had been called a magpie because his ideas were not original. Another source of inspiration for the script could be his personal experience of young love. He was 18 when he got married to a 26 yr old woman called Anne Hathaway. Romeo and Juliet is still a popular play because of its theme. The theme of love which people can still relate to today. Also, the theme revolves around family honour and standing up for your beliefs, which people can also still relate to today. At the time that the play was set, the society was known as a patriarchal society. This meant that men were more in charge and had a higher status than women. Young girls from well-to-do families were expected to be married at a very young age, and they had very little choice in the matter. In Act 1 Scene 2, Lord Capulet is presented as a fair, liberal and generous man. In the scene he is speaking to Paris, and Paris keeps asking for Juliets hand in marriage. However, Lord Capulet disagrees, which would be unusual in those days. She hath not seen the change of 14 years, Let 2 more summers wither in their pride, Ere we may think her ripe to be a bride Here he is saying that she is only thirteen years old, and that if Paris comes back for her hand in marriage in two years, only then will Lord Capulet agree or consider wedding them both. Lord Capulet uses poetic language in this scene to show that he is a bit of a hero. It makes him look sophisticated and well mannered; therefore the audience has a positive view of him. Lord Capulet talks about Juliet in a very optimistic way. He says, She is the hopeful lady of my earth. This demonstrates to the audience that he is respectful and that Juliet means a lot to him. Juliet is also his only child, meaning that she is very precious to him. He also uses metaphors, for example he describes some women as earth treading stars. This is an example of natural imagery, which shows that Lord Capulet is quite light hearted. Another idea of the fact that he is light-hearted would be that he uses puns. An example of this is when he says the word marrd. At that moment he is talking about Juliets marriage, therefore the audience know straight away that he is referring to the word married. In old English, marrd meant spoilt. In the time that the play was set, Lord Capulet actions would have been quite unusual, and suggest that he values Juliets happiness aswel as his desire to see her married. Throughout the scene, Shakespeare gives us a positive view of Lord Capulet. He shows us that Lord Capulet is understanding and very considerate for a parent in that society. Fathers were usually not this liberal in those days therefore the audience find Lord Capulets actions and choices rather unusual. A lot happens between Act 1 Scene 2 and Act 3 Scene 4. Romeo and Juliet have met and fallen in love. They have secretly married. The only people who know this are the Friar and the nurse. Romeo kills Tybalt because Tybalt killed Romeos best friend Mercutio. Romeo has been banished to Mantua. During Act 3 Scene 4, Paris and Lord Capulet meet up again to discuss the marriage of Paris and Juliet. Lord Capulet re-assures Paris that Juliet will get married to Paris. Lord Capulet has seems to have changed his mind about the marriage. Before, in Act 1 Scene 2, he was trying to put Paris off, whereas now he wants the wedding to take place. The reason I think he has changed his mind is because Tybalt has died and he is now thinking about his own death. If Juliet was to marry Paris, she would have the security and protection that she needs. The Capulets have lost a dear member of their family therefore Lord Capulet doesnt feel as strong or confident anymore. He is grief-stricken and wants some level of protection for Juliet. I think that Lord Capulet is not being reasonable because one minute he intends to let Juliet choose who she marries, whereas now he is planning her wedding without even informing her. Lord Capulet is not confident about Juliet agreeing to the marriage. .. Of my childs love: I think she will be ruled In all respects by me; nay, more, I doubt it not. Here Lord Capulet is saying that he thinks that Juliet will agree. But then he re-assures himself that she will definitely agree. This is also a use of dramatic irony because the audience knows that Juliet has already disobeyed her father and secretly got married to Romeo. In this scene, Lord Capulet speaks in a hesitant and jerky manner. We know this because he makes a lot of references to time. He also uses very short sentences which shows his mind is breaking down too because he is also no longer using poetic language. In Act 3 Scene 5, Romeo has spent the night with Juliet and shortly after, she finds out shes going to be married to Paris. Juliet is shocked and upset, and refuses to agree. However, when Lord Capulet enters he believes that Juliet is upset because of Tybalts death. We know this because he compares her tears to a sea of grief. For still thy eyes, which I may call the sea, Do ebb and flow with tears This extended metaphor suggests that Lord Capulet is back in control because he uses poetic language. When Lord Capulet enters Juliets room he is back in control. He speaks in iambic pentameter. This gives his speeches rhythm, control and pace. However, this rhythm will break down later in the scene. He seems to be in a good mood and tries to comfort her because he thinks she is upset because of Tybalts death. Juliet replies to her father in a respectful way. She speaks her mind but at the same time stays respectful. She tries her best to stand up for herself but at the same time knows her place as his daughter. Proud can I never be of what I hate, but thankful even for hate, that is meant love. This shows that she tries to explain her decision without revealing too much. However Lord Capulet dramatically changes and starts using some extremely abusive terms. He is now describing Juliet as a mistress minion and a baggage. This means that she is worthless and slave-like. The reason Lord Capulet responds like this is because he is astounded that Juliet is refusing to marry Paris. He enters the scene in a confident and happy mood, thinking that once he tells her about the marriage she will be happy. However this backfires because he finds out she is refusing and this makes him angry. He goes from being a poetic hero to someone who is quite insulting. He also tells Juliet he will drag her to the wedding even if she isnt ready. He says, or I will drag thee on a hurdle thither, out, you green-sickness carrion! He describes her as a green-sickness carrion which means she is a diseased, rotting piece of animal meat. In the earlier scenes he was using a lot of positive natural imagery, whereas now his speech has broken down and he is insulting his only child in a very bad way. His description of Juliet shows that he is very angry at her he has turned into a typical patriarchal father. In the scene, Lord Capulet has control over Juliets life because he is deciding her future for her. Juliet is different to other girls of her time because at first she did have the choice of marrying whoever she wanted to. Also, she is disobeying her fathers wishes, which would have been unusual because girls in those days didnt tend to argue with their parents decisions, and agreed with their wishes. In conclusion, Lord Capulet language, style and tone changes dramatically throughout the 3 scenes. The overall impression that we get of Lord Capulet is that he totally unfair. The fact that he is being considerate to her at the start makes his change more dramatic and shocking. Lord Capulet does want to see Juliet happy, but in the later scenes (act 3 scene 5), he is more demanding than he was before. In the time the play was set, the society was a patriarchal society. This could explain why Lord Capulet is forcing Juliet to get married. He is starting to think along the same lines as every other patriarchal father, whereas before he was putting his daughters feelings first. Juliet is shocked at her fathers behavior. She wasnt expecting him to force her to get married. This leads to Juliet going to see Friar Lawrence about the situation because she is already married to Romeo, and if she was to marry Paris, she would be committing bigamy. If Lord Capulet was to have been a bit more understanding then Juliet may have not gone to see the Friar. Shakespeare included these scenes into his play for many reasons. The scenes move the plot quickly to its tragic end. Juliet doesnt get a chance to make a choice about her life. The scenes make the audience empathise and sympathise with Juliet, and also raise dramatic tension. Lord Capulets speech changes dramatically throughout the scenes aswel. He goes from being a poetic hero, and talking in an elequent way.. to someone who is insulting and doesnt care about what he says.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Importance Of Organizational Structure Management Essay

The Importance Of Organizational Structure Management Essay Every company has its own organization structure. Organizational structure can be described as the systematical process of delegating power and authority among the employers. Besides, organizational structure also involves in how a business is organized to achieve their specific goals. Organization structure can be defined as the pattern of relationship among positions in the organization and members of the organization. Structure provides the framework for organizational activities and the management. Organization structure can be described as a framework that delegates responsibilities, working roles and relationship, and channel of communication. Organization structure is a framework which discusses the needs of a project to be successful in organizing. This framework is established at the outset and must be well understood by all concern otherwise it will be impossible to make important decision makings. Too many projects have set out with no clear idea of who the customer is and who is empowered to take these important decisions, and a project which starts in this way is bound to encounter severe difficulties along the way even if it does not end in total disaster. 1.1 IMPORTANCE OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Organization chart contains of functions, responsibilities, authorities, relationships, and communications of individuals of employees and management within each department. The typical depiction of structure is the organization chart. The formalized organizational chart was been formed since 1854, by Daniel McCallum, who used organization structure to create a sense of standardized flow of departments and positions that are align with respective individuals skills and knowledge, As result, the organization chart formed a clear line that showed the authority of supervisors as well as the communication flow available for the subordinates to their immediate supervisors. Having an organization structure is for purpose of being organized is to achieve goals and objectives by fully utilizing available resources. Being organized is the process by which the work is divided among departments and employees, and these department and jobs are linked together to form a unified system. It shows the organization design of the company. This organizational design also shows the chart of the company. Also, included the work specialization, chain of command, span of control, degree of centralization, and not forgetting the departmentalization of an organization. 1.2 TYPES OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE There are four types of organization structure which are at common that any organization would use for their company. The four structures consist of Entrepreneurial structure, Functional structure, Matrix structure and Divisional structure. First of all, the entrepreneurial organization structure is an adapting structure which brings activities of management and process that are related to gaining profitability upon specific opportunities. This structure hold strong management process accordingly in order to gain necessary speed, agility and creativity to utilize opportunities. An example of an entrepreneurial organization structure is as the chart below: From the entrepreneurial structure, it is clearly understood that departments are diversified at wide range where the link between departments are several and each top management departments resembles other sub-departments that lay under them for example like the operation department which holds warehouse logistics department and quality assurance department. Secondly is the functional structure where an efficient work flow depends on the integration of various tasks within the organization. Most firms use this basic approach in structuring their organizations. The functional approach is straightforward and usually effective in practice. Functional Structure are usually best and more suitable for either medium or small sized businesses that don ¿Ã‚ ½t have wide range of products or production requirements. The functional structure works best for organizations who offers products or services that are solitary. Below shows the illustration of a functional structure: From the diagram illustrating the functional organization structure, Functional structure can be described as an organization structure which hold minimum departmental sections and are not complicated with linking each top management departments with more sub-departmental divisions relating to the respective departments. This type of structure is best applicable by organizations that consists small number of organization members. The third type of organization structure known as the Matrix structure is often used for short periods to solve a problem or complete a project. It can be a permanent arrangement in business where work is assigned by project, cutting across functional departments. In this structure, people have more than one boss. Divisional structure is basically a kind of an organizational structure that is characterized by divisions inside an organization. Divisions are made to facilitate large sized organization that are either manufacturing more than one product or operating in more than one market or in geographic area. 1.3 WHAT IS  ¿Ã‚ ½EVENT MANAGEMENT ¿Ã‚ ½ Event management can be defined as a management that are formed to plan an event and carry out their plan into actions and succeed in the event as an outcome. Generally, event management is a set of project team formed to create and develop festivals and events. It is known as the practice of integration of communicating and handling events. Event management is a growing industry with exciting very much unique career opportunity for those who are in passion to work as planning and organizing of events. Despite event management being an organization by itself, event management also exist in every organization but are not as similar as event management company as other organization event management groups are formed as temporary to organize events like family day, annual dinner and others that only involves the organization members, however event management companies organizes events that would enable a huge amount of participation by anyone concern. 1.4 COMPANY INTRODUCTION NS event management is an event management company that is established for the concerns of charity where we plan, prepare and produce events that are organized to help those in needs and unfortunates. Our organization vision is to bring awareness to the society on their responsibility in helping those in charity. The mission of this organization is to carry out events that would raise funds to contribute to many charity homes that are based around Malaysia. Our organization organizes small events like concerts, sports, campaign and carnivals like selling donated goods which can also be called as charity sales. Currently, our company is working on organizing an annual dinner which is named as  ¿Ã‚ ½Charity Nite ¿Ã‚ ½, to raise funds to contribute to charity homes that are based in Johor Bahru. We planned this Charity Nite to gather people to bring unity among people not forgetting the unfortunates. Despite, this event is also planned to ensure that the public are aware of charity homes in Johor Bahru to ease them giving their help and support to ensure the unfortunates are not neglected by us. Therefore, as an outcome from this event we would love to at least be able to provide the charity homes contributions on their daily needs in term of food, drinks and other daily necessary items. Our event management representatives according to plan are arranged in order with departmental objectives to successfully perform the event is as the organization structure below: Event Director is a leadership board that determines and recognitions events proposed by the manager. Event director ¿Ã‚ ½s major role is as being a strong support and guiding the right direction to the service teams to function within the event management. Event director is also in responsible to ensure that the team works on time preparing all necessaries for the event and communicating with the event owner if it ¿Ã‚ ½s requested by any other industry. For the Charity Nite, the event director is responsible in ensuring that the task and job delegations are equally distributed with each and every representative attached with their own roles and responsibilities according to their skills and knowledge. However, Event director is also in responsible to correlate with the finance manager who handles the financial status of the event ensuring that the flow of cash are stable and has hold of immediate records of every transactions held as it relates public and transparency. The Event Manager holds the responsibility to plan and execute the event accordingly with his subordinates. They are often behind the scene running the event together with their teams involving in not only planning and executing the event but also brand building, marketing and communicating with relatedness to the event with strategies. Event managers are usually experts in creativity, technical and logistical elements which help the vents succeed. The event manager is involved in the event at the beginning stage till the end as they are also responsible in budget the event. For the Charity Nite, the event manager plays his/her role in all the elements of being an event manager to lead his team guiding them at every stage of action taken towards the arrangements of the event as designated by the event director. Event manager here reports the updates on the preparation of the event to the event director at every stage of improvement as well as discusses with the director when there ar e issues that are very difficult to be tackled and needs suggestions and ideas. Program Coordinators is the department formed to handle the issues related to the event which includes publishing ¿Ã‚ ½s of the event, ceremonies that would take place for the event, as well as entries for the hall for the arrangement of tables and area for the people participating as well as preparations for the sittings and registrations. This department is formed to be involved and be responsible for the venue of the event where they are in task of ensuring that everything runs safe and sound during and before the event from practice of performance to preparation of equipments for the hall. For the Charity Nite event, the program coordinators are in responsible in handing the performance which are either searched and selected by them or gained by the sponsorship department for artists or famous people to perform for the fund raising and arrange dates for practices. Therefore, the program coordinators are responsible to ensure that the event programs are well arranged and publish ing the event to the public are done widely. Sponsorship Coordinators is the department that consist a few members who would look for funds which can be either monetary or in other tangible useful items like vouchers, daily necessary things, grocery and many more. This department needs of a lot of teamwork whereas at times, it would be helped by other departments. For the event of Charity Nite, the sponsorship coordinators are in responsible to persuade businesses, organizations and publics who are affordable to give in any sort of funds and support to successfully running the event. Therefore, the department is also responsible to acknowledge the sponsors by giving in return marketing tools by advertising their organization or using media to address them as for their whole-hearted supported for the charity. Sales and Ticketing Coordinators is department that are delegated the responsibility of making sales and promoting the event through selling of tickets or doing sales of items which are donated. This department also is in responsible of generating funds like the sponsorship department to accommodate the expenses that occurs during the organizing of the event. For the Charity Nite, the sales and ticketing coordinators makes sales through selling off the tickets for the hall entrance to the public and organizations. However, this department also requires marketing skills and persuading skills like the sponsorship departments, as they are in need to first gain the trust of the public in order to ensure that they are able to sell their tickets and promote the event with huge number of participants involving for the event. Official Coordinators is the department formed to handle documents and official letters similar to a secretarial job responsibility. Besides that, they are also responsible in getting marshals, umpires or master of ceremonies like guest of honors for an event. For Charity Nite, the official coordinators are in responsible to prepare documents that are important for sponsorships as well as program coordinators in term of the official letter requesting for sponsors, letters of performance entry, and also other official letters and documents. Despite, the official coordinators are also responsible to send invitations to guest of honors to successfully brighten the event on the day. Moreover, official department merges with others department documental works and files up the documents to be able to deliver its updating status to the event manager who can use it to ease him/her in explaining the updates about the event to the event director. 1.5 CONCLUSION From the researches that have been carried out, the writer thinks that functional structure is the best structures for my event that is Charity Night 2011. This is because most of the firms use this approach in structuring their organizations. This is because the approach is straightforward and usually effective in practice. We chose this structure is because it minimizes duplication in an organization. This is because the top manager will give the order and direction to the employees so there is no chance to be the same outcome even though similar tasks are given. Basically, the functional structure offers a way to centralize decision making and provide unified direction from the top. Likewise how it has strengths it also has the weaknesses. The weaknesses are the lesser interaction between the other departments and people belonging to other departments. This can be overcome by having a general meeting once in a week or have small breakfast or tea time after a long time working in tension. Apart from that, another weakness are because of the functions are separate from one another, employees a may have little understanding of and concern for the specialty areas outside their own functional area. These problems can be overcome by having a small consultation time every week in an organization. Through this employees can speak out their inconvenience or what they are not happy with other employees or with the tasks, managers or anything. Another weakness are functional structure has rigid and separate chains of command response time to changes in the environment may be slow. Managers in a functional structure also become focused on their functional area, both long and short range. This can be overcome by ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Another weakness, employees become isolated. This is because ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Can be overcome by ¿Ã‚ ½ One of the most serious weaknesses are occur when members of functional departments become overspecialized, develop self centre, narrow viewpoints, and lose the total system perspective. This can be overcome by ¿Ã‚ ½.. Another disadvantage is problems are pushed around and also often slows decision making. This is because all the problems must be referred up the hierarchy for resolution. This can be avoid by appoint a manager for each of the department to make a decisions when the top managers are not around.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Major Problems in Mexican American History by Zaragosa Vargas :: American Citizenship Equality History Essays

Major Problems in Mexican American History by Zaragosa Vargas Vendidos or the sold out ones by Luis Valdez is an enlightening film about the Mexican struggle for survival in the United States. It is thought provoking and challenges the viewer to question some of the history and values that American education has engrained into our lifestyle. Although, the film is only about twenty-five minutes long, it is packed with symbolism and information about the Mexican history in the US. In particular, the film explores the Mexican identity issue. The film opens with Amano Sancho who invites us to look at his shop when Ms. Jiminez walks into the door looking for the perfect Mexican model to take to a governor’s dinner. Sancho is excited to see a Chicana in his store but when he pronounces her name in Spanish she is quick to correct him. Ms. Jiminez she responds in an English accent. This scene has a lot of meaning because we gather that she was assimilated to the Anglo culture. She does not want to associate with her Mexican roots. She insists on being a proper American representative, but she is looking for a Mexican model during her lunch break. She presents Sancho with some stipulations he must be a Mexican she states, "But this one is too dark. I’m looking for a beige one." This is yet another indicator of the detachment Ms. Jimenez has from her culture. I believe she wants a light Mexican so that he can he can be versatile and mix in with the crowds. In Major Problems in Mexican American History by Zaragosa Vargas, we learn that Mexicans struggled to be considered American citizens. Even with the seizure of their lands and the Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo Mexicans were still mistreated and abused simply because of the color of their skin. Mexicans learned that it was in their best interest to try to adapt to a new environment. As a result many tried to marry Spanish men or marry men of a higher social-economic status. There is a belief that white means money, so if you can’t marry a well-off man than you must lighten the race. Ms. Jimenez in Los Vendidos, was a light woman herself and made the transition into the white world a lot easier than one of her darker ancestors perhaps. When Sancho states that she likes a little milk in her coffee he is not only referring to the lightening of the race, but he also talks about her admiration of the American culture.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Edgar Allen Poe for Biography :: essays research papers fc

Edgar Allen Poe for Biography   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Edgar Allen Poe was born on January 19, 1809, in Boston, Massachusetts. Around this time was the Louisiana Purchase and the ending of importation of slaves. His parents were traveling actors but at a very early age his father deserted his family and his mother died in 1811. So Poe became a ward of John Allen who was a wealthy Richmond merchant. The Allan family lived in the United Kingdom from 1815 to 1820 before returning to Richmond. Poe and Allen’s relationship suffered tremendously making Poe having to make some hard decisions for his future.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After they returned to Richmond, Poe attended the University of Virginia in 1926. Soon after he acquired gambling debts that John Allen refused to pay leading Poe to withdraw from the University. When in 1927 he was enlisted into the Military his first book was published. The title was â€Å"Tamerlane and Other Poems†. Poe published his second volume of poems, both collections show influence from Lord Byron. In 1830, Poe entered the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, where he excelled in the study of languages. He received help from American novelist John P. Kennedy in winning an editorial post with the Southern Literary Messenger in Richmond. For the Messenger, Poe contributed reviews, original or revised poems and stories, and two installments of The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym. Poe worked as an editor and contributor to magazines in several cities, including Richmond, Virginia; New York City; and Philadelphia. He unsuccessfully tried to fo und and edit his own magazine, which would have granted him financial security and artistic control in what he considered a hostile literary marketplace. But Poe's later rediscovery by the French poets Charles Baudelaire, Stephane Mallarme, and Paul Valery helped restore his reputation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Poe married in his thirteen year old cousin in 1936, Virginia Clemm. When Virginia died in 1947, Poe then sank into poor health and his literary productivity declined. In 1849, Poe became engaged to marry the widowed Sarah Elmira Royster Shelton, his boyhood sweetheart.

Positive Attitude

Dennis Brown once said, â€Å"The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude. † As someone who always tried to keep a positive attitude in life, it is hard for me to imagine a world where people are not as optimistic about everyday deals. After hitting my Junior year in IB; however, the effects of the stress load really began to affect my attitude towards life. However, even though I barely just began this experience, I can truly say that a positive attitude can go a long way.As we explore this idea, we’ll first discover the benefits of being positive, next look at the negatives of losing hope, and finally learn how to keep life beautiful with a beautiful attitude. An anonymous person with a great outlook on life once said, â€Å"You've got to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you've got, and remember what you had. Always forgive, but never forget. Learn from mistakes, but never regret. † Though, this person did not disclose their name, their point is simple and clear. Staying positive is better than being negative.It is scientifically proven that staying positive can help decrease stress levels, increase lifespan, and can actually cause a greater resistance to the common cold and many other diseases. Ph. D. Doctor Martin Brofman discovered the benefits of keeping an upbeat attitude at all times. Brofman was diagnosed terminal cancer in 1975 and was told that he only had two months to live; two months before he would be forced to confront with death. Determined to make the most of his last few weeks, he refused to let anything get him down by keeping a positive attitude at all times.When the sky looked rainy during the time he was sick, the sun would come out at his command. He would imagine his cancer cells each dying off, one at a time; he would insist that everything would be okay. Two months later, he went back to visit the doctor that declared him terminally ill. The doctor, in return, had laughed in joy and stated that perhaps they had made a mistake. Brofman later quotes that â€Å"In order to release a symptom, one must release the way of being associated with it. Thus, the process of healing implies a process of transformation. Along with the positives of being positive, there are also several consequences for being negative. According to scientific research, negative attitude can decrease lifespan, cause stress levels to rise drastically which can cause many medical problems such as heart attack, hypertension, diabetes, and can create an unpleasant future. There are six main types of negativity: the miserable type, the silent killer, the drama queens, the woe is, the paranoid type, and finally the trigger type. These all have one thing in common: they tend to see many things in a negative light.According to Winston Churchill, â€Å"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. † In the end, the question asked is: would you rather see the difficulty or the opportunity? If the answer is to see opportunity, there are several ways to create a more positive attitude. Firstly, gratitude. If you are grateful towards things that you have, then you tend to have a positive outlook towards your life. It is said that Gratitude is the beginning of all virtues. The next step would be choosing happiness.Be happy; be positive; even when everything is looking rough, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Thirdly would be substituting problems for challenges. Don’t think of it as a problem, think of it as a challenge. Fourthly, view life as a journey; not a long, weary trek in the end where you go to sleep dejected and exhausted. Think of life as a ride, a ride with twists and turns but nevertheless an honest to goodness fun ride. Next, when you wake up in the morning, think about what a wonderful day it is. A positive start will nearly always end happily.Lastly, stop and s mell the roses and appreciate even the little things in life. As Maurice Setter once said, â€Å"Too many people miss the silver lining because they are too busy looking for the gold. † Often times, people take things for granted and do not look at the positive side of life. However, as shown previously, a positive attitude can create not only great health but also help the people around you. In this sense, a positive attitude is necessary for one to feel truly happy in their lives and necessary for one to truly live the fullest they can.